MEDLI 2024 welcomed 40 language learners from 24 institutions who participated in online, and in-person courses.
22 undergraduate, 10 graduate, and 8 non-traditional students from across the U.S. and abroad worked toward diverse multilingual, professional, academic, and personal goals.
8 courses ran for 8 weeks, each equivalent to 8 credits and 2 traditional academic semesters.
Arabic (Elementary, Intermediate, Intermediate-Advanced)
Persian (Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced)
Turkish (Elementary, Advanced)
The MEDLI community connected outside of class through a variety of cultural and social events.
MEDLI Soccer
WISLI Mixer Series
Farmer's Market Excursion / Capitol Tour
MEDLI Bowling and Game Night
Turkish Outdoor Exercise Activity
Weekly Language Tables
Cooking Classes
Excursion to Middle Eastern Grocery Store
Arabic Script Workshop
MEDLI students explored interests and careers.
MEDLI Lecture Series
Film Screenings
WISLI Student Conference
Less Commonly Taught Languages Career Fair
Turkish Artful Learning Activities and Language Circles
Graphic Novel Workshop
CIA Workshops and Office Hours
Dozens of funding packages supported MEDLI scholars' language study this summer.
2 Project GO Students
9 TURFLI (Turkish Regional Flagship Initiative) Students
10 MEDLI UW FLAS Awardees
3 External FLAS Fellowships
2 WISLI Tuition Scholarships
5 Grants from Home Institutions
1 MATC-MEDLI Gateway Scholarship Recipient
2024 MEDLI Quick Stats
Summary of our program stats from Summer 2024!